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ChatGPT-4 提供支持的动态社区

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我们正在与 Mighty Co-Host™ 建立 GIVCoop
Mighty Co-Host™ 是我们由 ChatGPT-4 提供支持的动态社区建设者。 我们正在使用它来设置您可能想要开始邀请第一批成员的一切。

GIVCoop 大目标

GIVCoop Big Purpose 是人们加入创新社区的动力。

"将众包和众筹结合在一起,GIVCoop 为创作者创造创新市场; 人们可以通过佣金赚取收入,并在创作者的经济中获得知识和尊重。"

We're setting up GIVCoop with Mighty Co-Host™​

Mighty Co-Host™ is our dynamic community builder powered by ChatGPT-4. We're using it to set up everything you may want to start inviting your first members.

GIVCoop Big Purpose

GIVCoop Big Purpose is the motivation for people to join the Mighty Network.

"Combine crowdsourcing and crowdfunding together, GIVCoop creates innovation marketplace for creators; people can make an income by commissions and earn knowledge and respect in the creator's economy."
Good day .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want buy advertising space for a banner in the header , for $ 1400 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my portal - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail
Your site is good.
Good day .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want buy advertising space for a banner in the header , for $ 1400 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my portal - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail
hi yes you can put an ad on our site.
Good afternoon .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want order advertising space for a banner in the header , for $ 1400 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my page - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Please write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail
Can someone help how to answer a new topic ??
Maybe I'm not writing correctly?
Please tell me.
Thank you.
Good day .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want buy advertising space for a banner in the top of the site , for $ 500 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my portal - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail
Good day .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want buy advertising space for a banner in the top of the site , for $ 500 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my portal - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail
send your banner to my box,, thanks.
Good day .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want order advertising space for a banner in the top of the site , for $ 1100 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my site - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail